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Evocative Author Interviews - Would You Kill off Your Ex-Lover in Your Novels?

Authors are an interesting bunch. We already know their brains work differently than non-authors. After all they create characters, then throw them into settings and situations that can range from torturous to glorious. And after the characters struggle for a while, the authors decide their fate. 

But what are Authors really capable of? Over 25 writers participated in this question: Would you kill off your ex-lover in your novel? The result... Be careful who you date.

Guess how many would do it... and gladly.

Author Name

If an EX broke your heart, would you kill "the darling" in a novel?

Where can you connect with this author?

Cheryl R Cowtan
Depends on whether he maliciously broke my heart or just trundled on my love because he was ignorant and young, and whether I was a difficult partner. That said... can I think of a couple EXs I want to "put down"? Yeah, maybe...
Carmen Madison
I guess it would depend on how bad the break up was.
TL Travis
Sheri-Lynn Marean
Sure, that might be fun!
Liz Lavorschi-Brain
Vic Watts
S.M. Carrière
Celeste Hollister
Edwin Downward
Thomas Weaver
I wouldn't do it because of heartbreak, but maybe I'd do it because of betrayed friendship.
Melinda Kucsera
I might have to do that. It sounds cathartic!
Louise Ashton
@LouiseAshtonAuthorPage on Facebook
Steven Moore
Skye Andrews
Melony Paradise
V A Trafton
Mark Fuller Dillon
A lot of my work is motivated by heart-breaks of the past, but the mood is one of sadness, not vengeance.

Nanea Knott
M Pepper Langlinais
Chelle Cordero
Done it, but which book is my secret?
C.C. Naughton
Nix Whittaker

AUTHORS: Are you an author who wants to provide an evocative author interview? Go here: Fill in what you dare, skip the rest.  By answering this form, you give me the right to use your interview responses in any form I wish (book, post, graphic etc). Your interview will be published on my blog, and reblogged by others. As well, responders will be able to view the responses at the end of this interview. Therefore, don't put any information into this form that you do not want made public. Thanks!

BLOGGERS: If you want to quote authors from this form's results, you are welcome to. However, you must acknowledge me as the original interviewer, with this statement:

"Quotes, excerpts or the entire review taken from the original "Evocative Author Interviews" by Fantasy Author Cheryl R Cowtan. Read more or see her books at"


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